With the use of specialist massage techniques and tailored exercise prescriptions,  this is my main goal for clients.

Exercises Include:

- Limb and neck stretches

Carrot stretches to improve flexibility in your horses neck and passive stretches in the limbs to improve flexion, extension, abduction and adduction.

- Pole work, both ridden and in hand

Raised poles, ground poles and different exercises can improve top line muscles and increase suppleness.

- Transition work, both ridden and in hand

Improve back and hind limb muscles simply by increasing the amount of transitions in each session.

- Stretching sessions

Allow muscles to stretch and naturally release any build up of tension to reduce injury risk.

- Proprioception work

With the use of tools such as poles, limb weights and different surfaces, improve co ordination and proprioception to improve performance.

- Working in a correct posture

Improve top line muscles and reduce risk of injury simply by working your horse in a correct posture.

- Dynamic Mobilisation Exercises

Abdominal lifts and pelvic tilts are just some of the ways muscles can be stimulated before and after work.

- Lunging and groundwork exercises

Backing up, turning on the forehand and shoulder-in work can build muscle, improve suppleness and thus improve performance.

Plus many more! Follow my Facebook page to stay up to date on how you can help your horse or book your horse in for an appointment to receive a specialised exercise program!

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